Friday, December 31, 2010

I do it my way...or better yet...we do it our way

I believe for the most part, human beings are very much creatures of habit. We find a little bit of comfort in the ritualistic way we go about our lives....from something as simple as how we brush our teeth, to the more complicated way we organize our finances each year to prepare for our tax returns. Sorry to bring that up folks....but it is just around the corner :(

I giggle to myself as I consider on just how small a level, this idiosyncratic behavior plays itself out..and for me anyway, on the it most often times, all falls apart...

--As I settle under the covers each night, all of my body must actually be "under" the covers...other than my face, no skin out in the air....the temperature is not a big consideration, the weight of the covers soothes me as I quickly fall asleep (ok, this never varies)
--I put on my makeup on in a particular order so as not to muss up the previous step (weekends, I don't bother at all...pretty scary)
--the way I eat my food, veggies followed by carbs, followed by protein....then a sweet treat (weekends......sometimes I skip right to the good stuff)
--putting together an outfit from the pants up, finishing with jewelry (weekends are loose comfy clothes, slippers and forget about the shiny stuff)
--parking in the same spot at work everyday...easy to pull in and very easy out (I run errands some weekends...most of the time I leave the parking to Roger)
--I drink bottled water all day, but not poured into a cup, it's from a straw that I drop right into the bottle (exactly the same on the weekends, except you can find 2 or 3 half-filled bottles all over the place)
--security badge always the very first thing that comes off as I step in the door...right on that little table so I don't walk out without it on my way to work the next day (thankfully, that little puppy stays right where I left it ALL weekend!)

It's also the routine we share with loved ones that continuously comforts us on yet another level....

--Roger and I always kiss each other goodbye, even if I have to wake him up to do it (not to worry, the man is an old pro at this and will be sleeping again in minutes)
--to take it a step further, he usually jumps out of bed, looks out the window and insists on waving goodbye as I drive away (that's just talent folks, no way could I do that in the middle of my sleep pattern and easily find my way back into dream land...told you he was a champion at snoozing!!!)
--I empty the gas tank...he fills it
--I fill the trash...he empties it
--I quietly prepare for work each morning to not disturb his sleep (yes, I know I wake him for a goodbye kiss, but that's hours later and he's upset if I don't)
--he quietly comes in after midnight and watches tv in the living room, to not disturb my sleep (yes, he falls asleep and I later wake him so he can stumble into bed)

Now you know exactly why we love our weekends together so much....most of the time, unfortunately, we are two ships passing in the night (unless of course we are ON a ship).....but then really does work for us.....we do it our way!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wouldn't want it any other way honey; saaaalute!