Thursday, December 30, 2010

As time goes by....2010 The Year in Review

Some folks traditionally tuck a one page note inside their annual holiday cards, sharing news of the past year with friends and loved ones. I've never been very good about sending cards, so it stands to reason that I also have not taken the time to write a yearly letter. That being said, I thought I'd instead look back through many of the photos I've taken in 2010, and provide everyone with my pictorial version of the LaFlamme Family's Year in Review....enjoy!

In May, just as proud as two parents can be, we attended Stacey's graduation from her Master's Degree program...all of her long hours commuting and late nights after working full days, truly paid off!

Keeping the light on for her at home...Scott is her biggest cheerleader

In June, we were all finally together again, to greet the summer at the rental home in the Outerbanks of NC

We spent an afternoon out on a boat enjoying some time away from house

Father and son sharing a beer

Captain Scott navigating the waters

Brian and Taryn filling us in on all the details of their honeymoon adventures in South America

The whole clan, fulfilling my Mother's dream of vacationing as a family under one roof

The six of us had a very relaxing vacation by the sea...we look forward to many more together

My baby girl in June, with the newest member of the family...Otis is such a good boy!

His Mommy and Daddy love him a bunch

In September, we realized our dream of renewing our vows on board a cruise ship in the Mediterranean...a memory to last a lifetime

In early October, we heard the wonderful news that this couple is engaged to be married :)

Later in October, we traveled to Chicago to share a very special weekend with Taryn and Brian

Who knew we would be on top of the more ways than one :)

In November, my first solo cruise...although I really missed was a lot of fun

My December weekend with Stacey in Boston--Mom and Justine joined us for a day in the city

I was finally able to give this very large, ever-growing puppy some grandma love

And lastly, two weeks ago...cruising the warm Caribbean far from the cool chilly place we call home in Florida.

Although it may be difficult to year promises to be full of so many more heart-warming experiences...a few beyond even our imagination...Happy New Year!

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