Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Over the years, I've been known to make up my own words (and Roger has also jumped on the bandwagon), sometimes in an effort to avoid swearing and at other times, just to add to the strangeness that is my world. A couple of the more recent ones come to mind…whackadoodle==crazy….ahdowanna==I don’t want to….dunno==I don’t know….uanto==You want to? Ok, I stole that last one from a comedy sketch on the Blue Collar Comedy Tour.

So, we are going to revisit for a just a bit, what some may consider my very strange sleeping patterns…sorry folks if this is a boring subject…it's part of my everyday life, and that's sorta what this whole blog is really all about. I don't have a houseful of children to write about, or any cute pets to write about, or an exciting career to write about, or an extensive social calendar to write's just me and Rog....and the oftentimes quirkiness of our quiet little life together....snore....oops, I'm putting myself to sleep :)

After 3 very late nights being awake past midnight (you do have to overlook the few times I closed my eyes during the 7pm show in the theater...and the couple of times at dinner after 9pm when I felt like my eyeballs were going to roll back into my head--shhh, I won't tell anyone if you don't) on board the ship, I found myself indulging in an extremely long unexpected daytime nap…or let me rephrase that…Roger thought that I was comatose on the couch on Saturday afternoon after I arrived back home. He actually contemplated taking some "oh-so-lovely" pictures of me passed out on the couch…smart man, he considered the consequences of me discovering a few rouge photos of me floating around. I slept from about 2-5, then later in the evening fell into bed around 9 (probably earlier, I really can't recall), then slept freakishly late, until after 7 and woke to see the sun come streaming in our bedroom window. I can't recall the last time I was in bed after 5 am and the sun NEVER comes up and beats me out of bed!

My first thought upon seeing the sunny blue skies over North Palm Beach…Whack-o-doodley doo…I certainly heard NO roosters crowing at dawn on that Sunday morning!!! Clearly, I'd done a number on my internal didn't know if I was coming or going....darn that cruise!!! The sacrifices we have to suffer through after returning home from vacation....I'm just not sure I can handle it anymore :) many more days until we go on our holiday cruise together?!?!!!!

Somehow as the day progressed, I found I had quite a bit of energy and didn't crawl back into bed that evening until 8pm and completely out of character, turned on the tv to watch of all things, a Christmas movie. Roger is hooked on these things and will scour the tv listings for the entire month of November and December, to watch the same movies over and over. He also seeks out radio stations that play perpetual Christmas songs, and drives me nuts before the 25th eventually rolls around. Although I must say, last year during our 10-day Thanksgiving road trip, while we spent endless hours meandering through the country roads of Florida, I actually enjoyed the comforting sounds of holiday songs as they played on the radio. No matter how unknown the area was that we happened to be traveling through, the simple recognition of those holiday songs from our past, soothed us during a long day of driving.

Ok, enough about all that stuff...back to the matter at hand....I struggled to stay awake to watch the entire movie until it finally ended at 10p. As usual, I forget from year to year, just how really sappy those Christmas stories all are…I'm sure before the season is over, I'll get sucked in to watch yet another one again. My plans to get at least 6 hours sleep, were pretty much doomed from the start. I had a Monday morning (yikes) ahead of me, after being out of the office for a few days, and I wanted to get an early start to wade through the pile that was sure to be sitting on my desk.

A pre-dawn sky greets me in the morning on my way to work

Before the sun had even come up, bright eyed and bushy tailed, I pulled into the parking lot, (MMB no where to be found--thankfully--then again we only have a three day work week-yippee) and I muddled through the work that was patiently waiting for me. Although I suggested to Roger that we might want to go to the movies when I got home (Mon & Tue are his "weekend"), he knew better and suggested we hold off until the following day. What a smart man I am married to…by 7:30 I was dead to the world and asleep in bed. So much for my bright ideas!!!

Tuesday morning I appeared to be back to my normal routine, I rolled over at 3:30 and my day had unofficially begun, the sun would not be peeking over the horizon, before I once again found myself at work. The thought of Wednesday being my last day of the week in the office, is sounding pretty darn good to my ears right about now.

So, the next time you open your sleepy eyes to peer at your bedside clock and the numbers 3-3-0 stare back at you, think of me for a split second and then roll over and get a few more winks. Or better yet, if you find yourself wide awake after 3 in the morning, drop me an email and don't be surprised when I return a quick note welcoming you to the early morning hours of the next day of your life….whacky??? I think NOT :)

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