Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Stay safe

As I sit here tuned into the weather channel for the 2nd morning in a row (yes, I am the person who does not usually watch broadcast television-Netflix does not count!), I'm aware more than ever how this winter has affected family and friends. It has also re-confirmed just how annoying commercials are...I really don't miss them.

Ironically, just 11 years ago, I was living through the last bad winter of my life. I recall the unending storms that seemed to hit every single weekend. The timing allowed us to go to work each day (woo-hoo), but kept us housebound on Saturdays and Sundays. It actually contributed to our decision to head south......that long cold winter, along with our March vacation in Orlando, eventually led us to our current life in Florida.

You may be wondering why this year I appear to be more concerned about the affect weather is having on our family up north. Well, in that last 10 years, our grown children have always bravely muddled through the severe winter weather that mother nature has bestowed upon them (except for that short period of time Stacey broke from tradition and lived in Florida soon after graduating from college). They've accepted that staying home and playing it safe during blizzard conditions is naturally a part of living in the northern part of the country. The winter of 2010-2011 is just a bit different for each couple, for two very specific reasons....a growing active puppy for Stacey and Scott, and a soon-to-be-born baby for Taryn and Brian.

Not only are they now responsible for their own well-being during these nasty winter snow/ice storms, they also must consider how their plans are affected as it relates to ever expanding additional family members. The newest member of the family, Otis, seems to love romping through the white stuff, however, his mommy and daddy might not be venturing out into the cold freezing Boston temps each day, unless his over active puppy energy was not forefront in their minds.

On the other hand, our future grandchild has a nice, warm, cozy and safe spot close to his/her mommy's heart and is oblivious to the cold raging outside the windows of his/her Chicago home. Although the baby is busy growing big and strong, mommy and daddy's daily scheduled events have been hampered by this lousy weather.

On that note, I will continue to send warm thoughts and love to everyone up north suffering through yet another debilitating winter storm. Stay safe...only one more month and the weather should calm down a bit..... life should be back to normal...we hope :)

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