Thursday, February 24, 2011

Then he will know....

My friends have been telling me for years, and my own parents and in-laws have always agreed, that there is absolutely nothing better than being a grandparent. I certainly have felt the "grandmother pangs" of holding someone's infant in my arms during the last decade, knowing that some day, in the not too distant future, I would be gazing into the eyes of my own grandchild. As much as it is difficult for others to explain what this new "version of love" will feel like to me, I have found it equally as challenging to explain to our son, just how overwhelming his own love for his child will be.

Perhaps it has something to do with how vague the various feelings and intensity of love we have each experienced, and it may be better described by a few of the actual moments themselves....

When the baby kicks and for the first time he is able to feel his child's movements by placing his hand on his wife's growing tummy...then he will know

The day that Taryn turns to him to say, "it's time" and they make their way to the hospital....then he will know

When he sees his son's face and hears his first sounds....then he will know

When he reaches for his son's tiny hand and those little fingers wrap around his big finger....then he will know

When his son opens his eyes to look up at his daddy for the first time and is soothed by his voice....then he will know

When he holds his son in his arms and is able to calm him from whatever has caused him distress...then he will know

When he glimpses those first few baby smiles and realizes his son is actually happy to see him and smiling AT him....then he will know

The first time those chubby little baby arms reach up for him and without any spoken words, he is needed....then he will know

When those sweet little baby lips utter the word "daddy" for the first time...then he will know

The love we have for our children and how they complete our lives, is like nothing else I have ever experienced. This is only the beginning for these new parents, they have so many years ahead of them to share the love they have for each other with their son. I know so far, it has been a great adventure for both of them.

I also know, we have some pretty incredible years in our future as we take on this new role. The thought of being a grandparent has always brought me a warm fuzzy feeling, when I think of my children raising their own families.The wonderful news in October, that Brian and Taryn were expecting a baby, was music to our ears. The anticipation over the last 4 months has been shared by the members of our clan as we all sit back and enjoy the exciting beginning of the next generation. I can't believe in less than 16 weeks, we will meet this sweet little baby boy, who already has found a very special place in our hearts.

As much as we are all waiting patiently for a glimpse of our grandson, there is yet another moment that will bring a tear to my eye...cause my heart to skip a beat....and for a split second, I'll be unable to take a breath.....the very first time I see my son holding his own child in his arms...and then I will know...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very sweet honey, and at that moment there is another level of love for Taryn that he has yet to experience. It's MAGICICAL:)