Saturday, February 12, 2011

To market, to market to buy a fat pig

It didn't take me very long, after we moved to this southern part of the country, to realize that the "seasons" are completely reversed from what I had been accustomed to up north. Just to clarify, I'm not talking about the actual seasons as they relate to weather, it's the social season I'm referring to. Up north, the theater season took place in the summer...the festival season took place in the spring, the county fairs took place in the fall, and the green market season was from spring to fall. The time to be outdoors for most folks to enjoy the wonderful warm weather, is usually from Memorial to Labor Day.

Down south, it's just the opposite...just to name a few...the county fairs are in January and February, the theater season is all winter, and the local greenmarkets are currently in full swing. It appears to also be related to the "snowbirds" (the retirees who live here only part of the year--and in my humble opinion people who have the best of both worlds) that "migrate" to Florida each's referred to as "in season" by us year round residents. Interestingly, my grandparents and Roger's grandmother, were snowbirds for many years. My mother's parents spent time in the Miami area and Roger's father's mother wintered south of Orlando in Sebring. I often ask myself how this seasonal retired-family-member-migration-southward, ended at our parent's generation. How cool would it have been to take our kids to visit their grandparents in Florida each winter? I'm thinking our own grandchildren will most certainly have an opportunity that Stacey and Brian missed.

As I mentioned in many of my blog postings, this is truly my favorite part of the year and I always look forward to the outdoor happenings around town. Not to say we don't have many activities out-of-doors in the summer, it's just not considered high season and there seems to be less to do during the varying degrees of intense heat of those months.

Before we moved away from downtown West Palm Beach in 2004, we would spend many Saturdays at the Green Market browsing through the stalls and carrying home, among other things, my favorite loaf of olive bread from one of the local bakers. Imagine that...we actually took the 1.5 mile roundtrip walk from our condo into town each weekend. Now we are about 4 miles away from our local market, which is held on Sundays...and the same vendors tend to cover both venues.

Big pan of paella...popular spot

Organic accessories...who knew?

Preserves and honey have found a niche

The market has grown considerably over the years, there tends to be an equal amount of food being offered, as well as trinkets, clothing and plants.

Just in case you need a taste from Copenhagen

I saw no one serving food in that outfit

A bit of New England can be found as well

Yes, there is actually something green at the green market.

It's always important to support the local economy by purchasing from mom and pop business owners at our neighborhood weekend markets.

Cute handmade items

Apple cider doughnuts

As I wander through the stalls, a few in particular always catch my eye...and my nose too. Darn those yummy smelling ribs...most afternoons I can pass them by....not this past weekend.

I did buy a fat pig...well maybe just a small portion of one...I made it last for two meals if that counts for anything???

And of course, it just wouldn't be the same experience if I didn't come home with fresh baked loaf of bread...asiago, cranberry walnut or makes me hungry just thinking about it.

The big cheese bread I love....come to momma!

I'm not really a big shopper for anything other than food, but I still appreciate the local artisans that showcase their talents which are usually unique to the area.

Carved Marble Turtle Lamp

Handmade glass jewelry

Parking can sometimes be an issue....this past weekend, I guess I expected smaller crowds because of the big sporting event being broadcast that afternoon. You may have heard of it before....ummm, I think they call it the Super Bowl. I was hoping for an easier time finding a parking spot at the town center, no such luck.

Pretty good crowd on SBS

The bakery vendors are pure evil to my waist line :(

I do know one thing for sure, if I keep eating entire loaves (not all at one time!!!) of bread--I won't just be at the market to buy pork...I mean a fat pig, I'll be looking like one!!!! Sad to say I can't continue to purchase from certain vendors...or I'll be oinking my way to the fat farm...step away from the BBQ ribs...oops wait a minute...he has something a bit healthier...chicken on a stick anyone???

These guys cook up a mean BBQ

Oh look fruit...that's healthy!?!?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think I better step awaaay from the are making me hungry, and there is no where to find such delectable treats in the neck of the woods!